Friday, February 20, 2009

Back Home

Well, I'm back from Germany, have been for almost a week now. It's very strange to be home, with nothing concrete in front of me. No classes, no shows, no project deadlines. If you think that all of our young lives we live by the schedule of starts and stops of school and are told what comes next, it's no wonder that there's a whole generation of 20 something set adrift with no idea of how to direct ourselves. We're raised being told we can be anything we want to be! We can achieve our dreams! Then, adulthood is upon us and we have to ask, "what do I do if I don't know what I want to be and I don't know what dreams I want to achieve?" It's a very difficult place to be. Jamie Cullum has a song called TwentySomething that is about exactly that. Check it out... that, and Jamie Cullum is awesome.
So, here I am... cuddling with two needy bears (JareBear and MandaBear) every night and hanging out with my parents on the weekend (don't get me wrong, I love that!). I'll find something soon!

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